
Miniature solenoid valve

Miniature solenoid valve

K11ZR Low pressure solenoid valve

K11ZR Low pressure solenoid valve

B11Z micro solenoid valve is widely used in petrochemical, electrical,mechanical, medical, scientific research, filling, building, combustionengine, pipeline medium automatic control and other fields.

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Complete solenoid valve solution
Salse:+86-577-86989863 13456060066
Service:+86-577-86926655 85857018
  • Summary
  • Model
  • Parameter


B11Z micro solenoid valve is widely used in petrochemical, electrical,mechanical, medical, scientific research, filling, building, combustionengine, pipeline medium automatic control and other fields.


Small size; Exquisite type; Zero pressure start, quick switch andgood sealing. Autocratic coil, not easy to destroy; It is suitable forsmall caliber and low pressure pipeline system.


It is a kind of direct pulling principle. When there is no pressure .difference between the inlet and outlet, the electromagnetic forcelifts the movable valve core directly upward after power is applied, .the valve port opens and the medium passes through. After thepower is cut off, the moving valve core closes the valve portdownward under the action of spring force and medium pressureto cut off the fluid medium.

咸丰县| 松潘县| 三都| 武安市| 榆树市| 宁河县| 色达县| 柳州市| 临湘市| 河东区| 蒙阴县| 孙吴县| 盖州市| 闸北区| 鄂托克前旗| 双流县| 西乡县| 福贡县| 桂林市| 慈利县| 清水县| 察雅县| 肇州县| 凤凰县| 商丘市| 萍乡市| 益阳市| 三江| 肥乡县| 平顶山市| 吴堡县| 洱源县| 白山市| 岑巩县| 齐齐哈尔市| 灌云县| 新平| 麻阳| 会同县| 苏尼特左旗| 丹凤县|