
Pilot diaphragm solenoid valve

Pilot diaphragm solenoid valve

B11DR Pilot diaphragm solenoid valve

B11DR Pilot diaphragm solenoid valve

B11D pilot diaphragm solenoid valve is widely used in petrochemical,electric power, machinery, medical, scientific research, filling, building,industrial kiln, automatic control of pipeline media and other fields.

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Complete solenoid valve solution
Salse:+86-577-86989863 13456060066
Service:+86-577-86926655 85857018
  • Summary
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B11D pilot diaphragm solenoid valve is widely used in petrochemical,electric power, machinery, medical, scientific research, filling, building,industrial kiln, automatic control of pipeline media and other fields.


The upper limit of fluid pressure range is high, the pilot diaphragmstructure is low in power consumption. The design life of theprotective diaphragm structure is prolonged by two times. Thepiping can be installed at any angle, and the horizontal direct coilshould be upward to enhance the service life.


It is a combination principle of direct operation and pilotoperation. After power is applied, the electromagnetic forcedirectly opens the pilot small valve, depressurizes the valve, liftsthe diaphragm upward, and opens the valve port for mediumpassage. After power failure, the pilot valve uses spring force ormedium pressure to push the diaphragm downward, closing thevalve port and cutting off the fluid medium. It is suitable forpipeline media above 0.03MPa (0.3kg ).

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